Friday, January 23, 2015

Are You a Defeated Christian?

If you take an honest look around at church, and if you know those around you intimately,  you are going to have to admit that you are looking at quite a few defeated Christians. Today's church is full of people who say they love God,  who may never miss a service,  they may even be in leadership,  but they are in bondage to something. It could be anything: lies, fears, alcohol or drug use,  pornography,  unforgiveness, anything.  But aren't they following Jesus?  He said He was the truth, and that if we knew Him we would be made free. So why are there so many people in the church struggling with bondages? I blame political correctness. What? But why? I think the reason most Christian people are locked down by sin is because what is being preached from the pulpit today is so watered down,  has so little truth in it, that people aren't able to be made free. So many pastors are afraid of offending the delicate sensibilities of the world,  that they speak in softened, feel-good rhetoric and are too afraid to confront the sins that are prevalent in the church today. So, with self-help but no gospel being brought to the people,  it has become commonplace and accepted for people to be in bondage. Now, if you like these watery versions of the gospel,  God has given us free will,  you have every right to stay in bondage.  But you don't have to. *John 8:31-32. The answer? Get in the Word!  After you know the promise of Jesus to make you free, the next step is to line your mind up with the scriptures* Phillipians 4:8. You have control over your mind,  and when bad thoughts come your way, you ARE NOT bound to follow through on them. Replace the bad thoughts with scriptures,  recite them out loud until your mind is focused on Christ *Romans 12:2

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